Read the story from this link
and answer questions.
1. What type of viewpoint does D.H. Lawrence employ?
2. Comment on the effectiveness of the viewpoint.
3. How would you describe the story’s mood? Talk about how the house affects the story’s mood or ambiance.
4. How can Hester and her husband help the family’s ongoing financial need?
5. Why does Paul want to provide for the family and what does he desire from his mother?
6. Find out if Uncle Oscar is concerned about Paul. Provide proof to back up your position.
7. What makes Paul’s passing tragic, exactly?
8. What irony is present in the story’s title?
9. “Hester’s materialism is harmful to love and family relationships.” If you agree or disagree with the aforementioned statement, explain why. To bolster your argument, provide particular details from the narrative.