Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You are required to draft and practice the development of a contract for use in your contracting company. The next course you will take as a student is the consulting practicum course. - Writeden

You are required to draft and practice the development of a contract for use in your contracting company. The next course you will take as a student is the consulting practicum course. In the practicum course, you will be required to work with an outside company and a consulting services agreement will be required. Hence, the deliverable for this course will prepare you for the practicum course.

Submit a draft version of a Consulting Services Agreement. This document’s length will be based upon your specific situation with the development of your consulting services contract. 

Be certain to view the Consulting Services Agreement Template for an sample service agreement that you may use as a template to develop your own agreement based on their unique situation.

View the Deliverable Guidelines and Rubric for further details on this assignment.

Submit Deliverable 3 to the Assignment box no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Assignment may be linked to Turnitin.)

DBA 756 Deliverable Guidelines and Rubric In this course, you will complete a total of 3 Deliverables. Deliverable 1

Discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses in consulting and develop ideas to market yourself (business cards, brochures, and website ideas). Ideas should be submitted in writing within the deliverable content. If you choose to include examples, they should be located in the appendix. Deliverable 1 should be between 3 to 5 pages in length. Deliverable 1 is due no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 3. (This Assignment may be linked to Turnitin.) Deliverable 2 Outline a Contact List and a Planned Contact Process. This document should be between 3 to 5 pages in length. Deliverable 2 is due no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 5. (This Assignment may be linked to Turnitin.) Deliverable 3 Submit a draft version of a Consulting Services Agreement. This document’s length will be based upon your specific situation with the development of your consulting services contract. View the Consulting Services Agreement Template for an example service agreement that you may use as a template to develop your own agreement based on your unique situation. You are required to draft and practice the development of a contract for use in your contracting company. The next course you will take as a student is the consulting practicum course. In the practicum course, you will be required to work with an outside company and a consulting services agreement will be required. Hence, the deliverable for this course will prepare you for the practicum course. A consulting services agreement is an agreement between two persons or businesses wherein each party agrees to provide a specified service for the other. It can also be an expressed undertaking of employment signed by both the employer and the employee detailing therein the explicit terms and conditions of service delivery. The Consulting Services Agreement Template provided represents a possible initial starting point for the drafting of your deliverable for this course. In the deliverable, you will customize the consulting services agreement to align with your specific needs. Although your specific agreement may not need all the elements included in the template, as a student, you will be required to include the components that are important and needed for your unique circumstance. In most situations, the company with whom you are contracting will provide a draft of the contacting services agreement, based on the parameters and criteria initially agreed upon by both parties. In some circumstances, the consultant may be asked or required to draft an initial consulting services agreement.

The consultant (you) and the company with whom you will be contracting must discuss the terms of the agreement and come to an agreement regarding any questions such as work parameters, payment, and responsibilities. If you have not yet developed a connection with an outside company, then the course deliverable you submit will be somewhat objective in nature. However, the practice that this deliverable provides will help with your understanding of its importance, as well as enable you to identify the circumstance-specific components for this type of contractual agreement. The sample template agreement is designed to protect all parties’ rights during the contract term. It does not, however, describe what tasks will be performed or the rates applicable to any such work. These issues should be resolved by the parties, drafted, and attached to your deliverable document as Exhibit A. Before sitting down to draft Exhibit A, decide what your goals are. Your exhibit can contain any agreed-on terms but it should minimally include a description of the consultant’s tasks, the amount to be paid, the terms of payment, deadlines for completion, and the specific end products expected (if any). Clarify the terms and conditions of your agreement before memorializing them in writing. If you believe the sample template agreement is unbalanced for your purposes, or too restrictive to allow the consultant to perform his or her duties, feel free to revise or restructure certain provisions to align with your predetermined goals. Both parties should review the completed agreement carefully to ensure that all possible and relevant issues have been included. For any consulting contract agreement, it is better to be over-inclusive than under-inclusive. Do not assume that certain expectations or terms are in mutual agreement if they are not specifically expressed and stated in the document. Depending on the nature of its terms, you may decide to have your agreement witnessed or notarized, as this can limit any later challenges to the validity of a party’s signature. If your agreement is complicated, it is often advised to contact an attorney to help with the drafting and/or review of a consulting services agreement document that will meet your specific needs. However, for this deliverable practice assignment, this step is unnecessary. Deliverable 3 is due no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 6. (This Assignment may be linked to Turnitin.)

Grading Criteria Not

Attempted Novice Basic Proficient Exceptional Points

Deliverable Content (Competencies 1-5)

0 1-58 59-61 62-69 70-80 __/80

Proper use of APA Formatting Style, Executive Summary, and Required References (Competency 6)

0 1-7 8 9 10 __/10

Proper use of Grammar, Word Choice, Terminology, Composition, and Punctuation (Competencies 7 and 8)

0 1-7 8 9 10 __/10

TOTAL ___/100

Competency Level 1 Novice Level 2 Basic Level 3 Proficient Level 4 Exceptional

1. Knowledge, research depth, and critical thinking

Does not refer to the readings to support


Alludes to the readings in a general

way to support premises.

Refers to examples or theories from the

readings to support premises.

Supports premises with specific

examples and theories, and applies

high-level critical- thinking skills.

2. Synthesis, analysis, and comprehension

Does not integrate personal observations

or knowledge.

Integrates personal observations and knowledge in a cursory manner.

Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate way.

Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an

accurate and highly insightful way.

3. Organization, formulation, logic, and Identification of key points

Work product is disorganized, points of response are not

distinct, and information is not

logically sequenced.

Work product is somewhat

disorganized, points of response are

distinct, but information is not

logically sequenced.

Work product is organized, points of

response are distinct, and information is

logically sequenced.

Work product is organized, points of

response are distinct, and information is

logically sequenced; key points are made


4. Demonstration of theory knowledge and usage

Theoretical terminology is ignored

or misused.

Terminology partially matches the textbook

and class material.

Terminology matches the textbook and

class material completely.

Terminology matches. Messages are crisp

and persuasive.

5. Ethics, social responsibility, and SLU core value consideration

Items are not taken into consideration.

Items are implied, but not specifically


Items are properly considered.

Infusion of these items in the work

product adds to the overall quality.

6. Proper use of APA formatting style

Very little use of references and

citations and/or poor usage of APA style.

Some use of references and citations and/or

moderate usage of APA style.

Good use of references and citations and/or

reasonable usage of APA style.

Superior use of references and

citations and/or solid usage of APA style.

7. Grammar, word choice, and terminology

Word choice and sentence structure are not suitable for doctoral-level work.

Word choice and sentence structure need improvement.

Word choice and sentence structure

are suitable for doctoral-level work.

Word choice and sentence structure

exceed expectations for doctoral-level


8. Composition and punctuation

Regular typographical, spelling, and

punctuation errors that create an


Periodic typographical,

spelling, or punctuation errors

create reading interruptions.

Minimal typographical, spelling, and

punctuation errors.

Errors are rare.